Here's How to Fix QuickBooks Event id 4 Error in Windows?
QuickBooks Event log error 4 on the server is encountered when there are some issues in the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 SP 1 in windows 7. QuickBooks Error Event log error 4 on the server can occur due to the following reasons: Corruption in the QuickBooks files. Virus affected the system and QuickBooks. Faulty QuickBooks installation. Program files have been deleted. What can be done to resolve QuickBooks Error Event log error 4 on the server? You need to uninstall the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0, this can be done by reaching to the programs and features tab of the control panel and choosing the uninstall option. Once Microsoft .NET framework is uninstalled, restart your system. Now, you need to go to the Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 from the program and features tab. Install it after expanding Microsoft .NET framework 3.5. Some other ways to resolve QuickBooks Error Event log error 4 on the server: Quick